Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
Young Ambassadors for RE Project
AREIAC is delighted to be partnering with Culham St Gabriels Trust (CStG) in a new project to develop the next generation of Young Ambassadors for RE. CStG has the vision for broad-based, critical and reflective education in religion and worldviews, contributing to a well-informed, respectful and open society. The new project runs until 2025 and the first Hubs to take on the challenge are the South-West (Ed Pawson) and the North-West (Jane Yates and Sue Holmes) it may subsequently be replicated in other regions if further funding becomes available.
The project aims to have far-reaching impact:
To empower young people to have a voice in advocating for Religious Education
To empower young people and teachers to understand the relationship between high quality Religious Education and the promotion and protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB).
To enhance the reach of Pupil Voice, so that policy makers may be directly influenced
To embed a network of Young RE Ambassadors across the country, working within the RE Hubs structure
To facilitate the training and mentoring of YAs and their teachers, as future leaders of pupil voice, through working with AREIAC members and partners
To engage, where appropriate, with other programmes like the Rights Respecting Schools agenda.
Through the Parliamentary Outreach programme, to enable Young Ambassadors to debate matters of religion and belief with policy makers at Westminster
Freedom of Religion and Belief is a Human Right. It is part of the United Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18. It is also protected by other international instruments (e.g. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)). The heart of FoRB is the freedom to have, choose, change or leave a religion or belief, and the freedom to practice or manifest a religion or belief.
The relationship between high quality RE and FoRB principles is clear: high quality RE can only be taught in an environment where FoRB principles flourish; if FoRB is to be promoted and protected, children must have access to high quality RE.
“Prioritising inclusive curricula and teaching, matched to all students’ needs, regardless of their background… provides foundational skills for all. In addition, curricula should provide positive and accurate information about different faith and belief communities and combat negative stereotypes.”