Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
Wales - Members' Profiles

Gill Vaisey is an independent Religious Education Consultant specialising in the primary and early years phases of education. She provides training and support to LAs, Church Dioceses, Schools and Nursery Settings. Gill’s courses are practical and engaging and provide a wealth of ideas to take back to the classroom alongside delegates’ newfound confidence for the teaching of RE!
After studying for her B.Ed. Hons degree, with Religious Studies as her specialist subject, Gill taught primary age pupils before taking up a post as an Advisory Teacher for Religious Education in Gwent. Gill has been a successful freelance consultant since 1995. She has become a nationally recognised leader in the field of religious education for younger children.
Through her company, Books at Press, Gill provides a wealth of support to teachers which includes, curriculum maps and planning materials, published books and resources, free downloadable resources, consultancy and training

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