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Jennifer is the co-regional lead for the Wales region.

Jennifer yw'r arweinydd rhanbarthol ar gyfer rhanbarth Cymru



Phil is the co-regional lead for the Wales region.

Phil yw'r arweinydd rhanbarthol ar gyfer rhanbarth Cymru

The Wales region

The Wales Region of AREIAC covers Wales.


Welcome to the Wales AREIAC group. With the new curriculum for Wales, an abundance of professional learning to support Religion, Values and Ethics, and lots of exciting curriculum developments, there is much to share and talk about!


We aim to meet termly via TEAMS/ Zoom.

The agenda is always co constructed by members and all are welcome to join, even if outside of Wales.

The next meetings for Wales will be

 - 19th February, 2025: 15:30-17:30 (via Teams)

 - 5th June, 2025: 10:00-12:00 (via Teams)



Croeso i grŵp AREIAC Cymru. Gyda’r cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru, digon o ddysgu proffesiynol i gefnogi Crefydd, Gwerthoedd a Moeseg, a llawer o ddatblygiadau cwricwlwm cyffrous, mae llawer i’w rannu a siarad amdano!


Ein nod yw i gyfarfod bob tymor trwy TEAMS/ Zoom.

Mae'r agenda bob amser yn cael ei cynllunio gan aelodau ac mae croeso i bawb ymuno, hyd yn oed os ydynt y tu allan i Gymru.

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