Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
North-West - Members' Profiles
Sue has a range of teaching experience across the primary phase where she worked as a RE Subject Leader with responsibility on the SLT for coordinating collective worship & religious education for over 17 years.
Sue is very committed to supporting teachers in delivering good quality RE and collective worship primarily within a church school setting, but she also works extensively in the community school sector. Through school based support and Inset courses she is keen to enable and empower teachers to meet the requirements of any locally agreed or Diocesan syllabus in such a way, that makes the subject practical, exciting and fun whilst ensuring it makes a direct impact on children’s learning. She is also a REQM Assessor and has worked with some ITT students and MAT.
Sue is particularly enthusiastic about the unique contribution RE makes to the development of the spiritual and moral side of a child’s life and seeks to encourage teachers to embed the subject as an important and essential part of the curriculum especially relevant for preparing pupils for life in today’s modern Britain.