Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
The members below have listed specific areas of expertise in addition to general RE.
Nicola COUPE
Expertise: Diocesan School Improvement Adviser,
Agreed Syllabus, Church Schools, Collective Worship, Curriculum Development, Subject Leadership, SACRE, Section 48 (SIAMS), Spiritual Development, Teacher to Teacher RE support groups.
Expertise: Agreed Syllabus , AfL/Assessment, Artefacts, AS/A level, Buddhism, Citizenship, Creativity, Collective Worship,
Community Cohesion, Contentious Issues, Curriculum Development, Eastern Religions, Enquiry approach to RE and History, Examinations, Governors, Inter-Faith, Religious Literacy, Subject Leadership, OfSTED, P4C, Pedagogy, Raising Achievement, SACRE, SMSC, Fundemental British Values, History.
Expertise: Agreed Syllabus, AS/A level, Buddhism, Church Schools, Collective Worship, Contentious Issues, Curriculum Development, Eastern Religions, Enquiry Learning, Holocaust Education, Inter-Faith, Subject Leadership, P4C, SACRE, Science and Religion, Section 48, SMSC, Spiritual Development, Theology.
Mail: efpawson@gmail.com
David REES
Expertise: Agreed Syllabus, Primary, Teacher Conferences.
Mail: tbc
All the people in our database are members of AREIAC and as such have signed up to the principles of the organisation. AREIAC is not responsible for and cannot guarantee the quality of the expertise of our members' work.