Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
The Midlands region
The Midlands Region of AREIAC covers Birmingham and the surrounding counties including including the Home Counties north of London.
The group considered the story of Harry Potter as a resource for engaging with significant aspects of Christian belief. Also, how Ofsted is giving particular importance to sequencing work to help pupils build on what is already known was noted and discussed. Two academic articles one criticising, and one defending the Religion and Worldview approach was also discussed. Information about the REC’s plans to produce a Handbook, three Frameworks and also exemplification of classroom work for each of the Frameworks was shared. Information about AREIAC’s Summer Conference in Coventry was also made available. Finally, two analogies which attempt to provide an insight into Hindu beliefs about the purpose of existence were explored as a classroom resource. Also, the secular view that life has no meaning as expressed in the myth of Sisyphus was considered but that nevertheless we can still attain a state of contented acceptance was also discussed.
The next meetings will be:
Tuesday 5th March, 2024: 10:30 - 13:00 (Virtual)
Tuesday 16th July, 2024: 10:30 - 13:00 (location tbd)