Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
East of England
Jan McGUIRE and Katie GOOCH
Jan and Katie and the join regional leads for the East of England.
The East of England region
The East of England Region of a large geographic area (Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire).
Welcome to the eastern AREIAC group. With exciting research, school projects, collaborations, curriculum developments, Farmington scholarships and more there is so much to share and be excited by. Do come and join us.
Autumn is in the air and as the trees are starting to change colour it is the season of change in our region too as we welcome Katie Gooch as our new regional lead and Co Vice Chair to AREIAC.
The Eastern Region was the first of the AREIAC groups to offer a completely online meeting experience, and this will be continuing. It means that you are welcome to share the zoom code with any of our AREIAC members. We are also happy for you to bring a member along to observe and get a taster of the meetings if they are thinking of joining too.
Our next meeting, on Thursday 24th October (16:30 - 18:00) will be discussing and formally noting your views on the following. Meeting can be joined at this link.
1. Changes members would like to the AREIAC website
2. The Curriculum Review
3. Future meeting dates for the year
Monday 4th November, 2024 - 16.30 - 18.00
Tuesday 19th November, 2024 - 16.30 - 17.30
AREIAC Webinar: Mat to the Future: Katie Gooch and Ruth Marx (zoom code sent once registered
Monday February 10th, 2025 - 16.30 - 18.00
Thursday 24th April: AREIAC Webinar - Transitioning into RE Leadership: Discussion and support session: 16.30 - 17.30; followed by 17.30- 18.00 Eastern region - conference briefing
Thursday 26th and Friday 27th June, 2025 AREIAC / AULRE conference - venue to be confirmed.
Warmest wishes
Jan McGUIRE and Katie GOOCH.